Growth in membership has not yet recovered momentum since the onset of the Covid pandemic. Australia and Pacific Region was an exception to this trend, with an increase to 719, where the Australasian Groundwater Conference prompted more members to join. North Africa and the Middle East Region was also steady with 147 members. The full figures were:

Sub-Saharan Africa                                    294

North Africa and the Middle East           147

Asia                                                               390

Australasia and the Pacific                       719

Eastern Europe and Central Asia            131

North America                                             516

Latin America and the Caribbean           211

Western Europe                                        1672

Total                                                               4080

The data point to mixed fortunes. The Association has increased its presence across the countries of the world and we now have members in 137 countries as well as more national chapters, which is a welcome development. The number of corporate supporters has also increased. Currently we have 73 corporate members and sponsors, which are based in 31 countries but also active across several others.