IAH Annual Report 2022
Science, knowledge and education
Our commissions and networks contribute to groundwater science and undertake outreach, education and training. In this ‘year for groundwater’, associated with World Water Day’s campaign, ‘Groundwater – making the invisible visible’, they have been particularly active, convening technical meetings and preparing educational and outreach publications.
Hydrogeology Journal celebrated its 30th anniversary, with a highlight being the preparation of a “Topical Collection” of essays by our commissions and networks aimed at ‘making the invisible visible during this ‘year for groundwater’. We published a further book in our ‘International Contributions to Hydrogeology’ book series (IAH’s ‘Blue Books’) and an IAH Special Publication from our MAR Commission, downloadable free of charge. We added further titles to our Strategic Overview Series.
Commissions and Networks
In this ‘year for groundwater’, associated with World Water Day’s campaign, ‘Groundwater – making the invisible visible’, several of our commissions and networks have been preparing essays that highlight current issues in their area of activity. These will be...
Hydrogeology Journal
Hydrogeology Journal continues to achieve IAH’s goals of serving the professional, practical and scientific communities in groundwater hydrology. The journal celebrated its 30th anniversary by maintaining its impressive scientific Impact Factor (IF), the latest...
Books and other media
We published the last book in the IAH, International Contributions to Hydrogeology Book Series, perhaps better known as our ‘Blue Books’. ‘Groundwater for Sustainable Livelihoods and Equitable Growth’ is a collection of nineteen situation reports from diverse human...
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