IAH Annual Report 2021
Informing and influencing
Given the structure of IAH, with its international reach of its Council and Executive, individual members, national chapters, commissions and networks, and efforts alongside associated organisations, there are many opportunities for individuals to ‘carry the groundwater flag’, wherever they are based. We hope that even more will do such activity for the Association and what it represents, to utilise the collective wisdom. We encourage international co-operation and participation to improve understanding and protection of water resources, in relation to human welfare and the wider environment. We are extremely grateful to everyone who dedicates time towards IAH efforts.
The scope of IAH’s reach is broad. IAH’s longest-established collaborative scientific partnership has been with UNESCO and in particular its International Hydrological Programme (IHP). The growing need for a responsible professional association to advocate for better awareness of groundwater amongst policy makers, the public and professionals in other disciplines has greatly extended IAH’s international partnerships.
Partners and affiliates
IAH’s partnerships, built up over many years, enhance our effectiveness by combining our efforts. We signed a new MOU with IWRA (International Water Resources Association).
The United Nations Family
The International Hydrological Programme (IHP) of UNESCO is an intergovernmental programme devoted to water research, water resources management, education and capacity building. IHP is implemented in six-year phases, and the current eighth phase (2014-2021) aims to promote international hydrological research, facilitate education and capacity development and enhance governance in water resources management. These activities help countries meet the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) on environmental sustainability, water supply, sanitation, food security and poverty alleviation. IAH has long been a partner in the groundwater activities of IHP and in supporting UNESCO in developing successive phases of IHP.
Other outreach and international efforts
IAH works throughout the world to raise awareness of groundwater issues and promote the understanding, wise use and protection of groundwater resources. Examples this year include support for the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) water forum in East Africa and the European Union Network for the Implementation and Enforcement of Environmental Law (IMPEL).
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