IAH Annual Report 2021
Science, knowledge and education
IAH aims to be a leading international society for the science and practice of hydrogeology and to be a globally recognised information source and facilitator for the transfer of groundwater knowledge, for our members and for wider society. We endeavour to raise awareness of groundwater issues and work with national and international agencies to promote the awareness and understanding of groundwater and its role in providing ready access to safe drinking water.
IAH works through its national chapters, commissions and networks, and with the support of its international affiliated bodies, to address hydrogeological issues of relevance to society. We encourage international co-operation and participation to improve understanding and protect of water resources, in relation to human welfare and wider environmental protection. IAH aims to encourage and harness groundwater knowledge, to stimulate further research, and to help like-minded professionals network, learn and share.
Our publications are a core part of our education support. Hydrogeology Journal is the premier international journal dedicated to groundwater, with authors from all the regions of the world encouraged and supported to submit papers. Our well-regarded Strategic Overview Series of papers inform for decision-makers and the general public on a range of groundwater topics and are available in many languages. We continue to publish books and texts on many groundwater subjects.
Commissions and networks
IAH’s commissions and networks run sessions at IAH congresses, co-convene technical meetings and field excursions with other societies, host workshops and training courses, and prepare educational and outreach publications. In 2021 IAH established a new IAH Commission on Groundwater Quality and a new Network on Socio-Hydrogeology. We encourage involvement from across the groundwater community, including non-members.
Hydrogeology Journal
IAH’s Hydrogeology Journal is a premier journal for groundwater professionals, with eight issues per year. Since its inception in 1992 it has acquired a large readership worldwide. The rise in the impact factor in 2021 and a high usage factor indicate how much people are using HJ content.
Books and other media publishing
IAH publishes books, papers on strategic issues, and videos, from congresses, meetings, our national chapters, and commissions and networks. Subjects cover case studies, regional descriptions, analyses of sub-disciplines and major international programmes. This year we published new papers in our Strategic Overview Series and translated several papers into French, Portuguese and Spanish.
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