Annual Report 2023
A successful year for our organisation
The International Association of Hydrogeologists (IAH/AIH) is a scientific and educational charitable organisation for scientists, engineers, water managers and other professionals working in the fields of groundwater resource planning, management and protection. Our mission is to further the understanding, wise use and protection of groundwater resources throughout the world.
We raise awareness of groundwater issues and work with national and international agencies to promote the use of groundwater to ensure ready access to safe drinking water. IAH promotes the protection of aquifers against pollution, the improvement of aquifer storage and the management of groundwater resources to assure the sustainability of groundwater-dependent ecosystems.
From our President
I hope this message finds you all in good health and having professional success in advancing the knowledge, protection, and wise use of groundwater. IAH is proud to be a volunteer, scientific, educational, and charitable organization, founded in 1956, with thousands of members in over 130 countries.
A big thank you to the organizers of the International Association of Hydrogeologists’ 50th Worldwide Groundwater Congress in Cape Town, South Africa this last September. The Congress was simply excellent. It was well attended, the technical sessions were great and varied, and the associated side sessions, exhibitions, award ceremonies, luncheons, gala dinner, and entertainment were all superb. All-in-all it was a remarkable gathering of the hydrogeologic community from around the world.
The next IAH Congress will be held in Davos, Switzerland, September 8-13, 2024. And in 2025, the World Groundwater Congress will travel to Melbourne, Australia.
2024 is election year for IAH Council. The Council is made up of eight Regional Vice Presidents and an Executive Committee. Our elections take place every 4 years. Nominations for these positions are open to all IAH members. We particularly encourage nominations for members from under-represented groups, in line with our efforts to be a diverse, equitable and inclusive organization.
Council responsibilities include guiding IAH by reviewing and approving the way forward for our volunteer, scientific, educational, and charitable association. Members can serve up to 2 terms (eight years) if re-nominated and elected for a second term, (except the President who serves only one and becomes Past President after a 4-year term as President).
Professor David Kreamer

Lake Tyrrell – groundwater and evaporation control the lake level

Dave Kreamer, IAH President

IAH educational benefits

Julian Conrad, IAH-SA Secretary, and Candice Lasher-Scheepers, City of Cape Town, add South African groundwater to the torch bottle at the IAH Congress in Cape Town.
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