Governance and planning

Governance and planning

Our contributions to World Water Day 2022, and our own ‘year for groundwater’ included publicity events in Africa, support for attendance of two IAH delegates from Sub-Saharan Africa at the World Water Forum in Dakar. At the Groundwater Summit in Paris, IAH hosted a...
Equity, Diversity and Inclusion

Equity, Diversity and Inclusion

IAH is aiming for much wider inclusion, building a truly diverse, global organisation of groundwater professionals, while maintaining a strong focus on encouraging students to join and supporting the members’ early career and subsequent professional development. It is...
Looking forward

Looking forward

The number of UN and other activities that IAH is invited to support continues to increase, a response to IAH’s growing reputation, with requests for reviews and help with planning future events. Many activities and web meetings to fall on IAH’s Executive Committee,...